Office Dedication.
Saturday 25th September 2021 was the Chapel and Office Dedication of Jesus Reigns Glory Foundation. It really looked like a long awaited dream that God made to come true. Looking back to how the foundation started five years ago, the birth of “JESUS REIGNS GLORY FOUNDATION”, was just like when Jesus was born in the manger. JRG FOUNDATION was born on the street of Ibadan.
It was birthed out of passion for the lost and less privileged. Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ was preached from street to street proclaiming the Jesus and establishing the truth of God’s kingdom. And back then, there was a move to have an office of our own, but it seems difficult at initial stage. Yet, God was faithful to all He had said to us. Over 40 team members were passionate about the gospel and were travelling the road to share the message of truth when we started, though there was to stay for meeting, prayers and planning. We often changed location to wherever seemed available for use.
Although we eventually got an office, but it didn’t really serve the purpose for which we rented it. But during COVID-19, we decided that we’re going to look for a befitting place, not only for us, but for our God and the assignment He committed into our hands
Therefore, the office Dedication is not just a show, but to appreciate God for giving us, not only a befitting place but a place where worship, word and wonders now happen on daily basis.
The office was dedicated by Pastor Adegboyega Adefioye who prayed that the glory of God will continually fill the fellowship and the office. Mama Kikelomo Alli from HE CARETH ORPHANAGE HOMES AKOBO IBADAN was also there to pray for the progress of the foundation, testifying that she had seen the impact the foundation has made in the lives of children in the orphanage homes since inception.
Pastor Mrs Ibironke Bashorun from Livingspring Chapel and Pastor Tolu Bolaji, Living Faith Church were the Guests Singer for the day. And with the unique theme of the Dedication, “NEW WAVES OF GLORY THROUGH PRAISE”, every participants rejoiced with the foundation for the faithfulness of God, singing, dancing and shouting like never end.
Lots of food, drinks and light refreshments were served during the occasion to appreciate all who came to celebrate with us. And team members from Aduke Rescue Center joined with Jesus Reigns Glory Foundation to cook, support, serve and shared in the joy of the day.
Guest Singer, Mr Deji Alao was also there to “raise the praise” , and bless the Lord God for all He has done in Jesus Reigns Glory Foundation.