Psalms 6:2
“Have mercy upon me, O LORD; for I am weak: O LORD, heal me; for my bones are vexed.”
Do you really know what the mercy of God can do to you? When God decided to show mercy unto a man, all his errors and mistakes are set aside.The scripture above says …for I am weak. Sometimes you are too weak to pray, to take a bold step or dare an adventure. But you see God, in his infinite mercy steps in for you and ensure that your weakness is not noticed. A young lady was not shortlisted for an interview, and she knew she might not get the job. Yet she went there, but God showed her mercy, the Manager asked the panel to still interview her. And that same day she was employed.
I pray the Lord God will have mercy on you and he will justify you before those who judge and condermn you. In every areas of your weaknesses, the Almighty God will strengthen you and perfect your life in Jesus name.
The Lord God will heal you in every areas where your life, home, land, work and career needed healing.
The Lord will make you strong spiritually and physically and you shall become terror to the kingdom of darkness and your enemies in the mighty name of Jesus Christ. I prophesy a financial healing, spiritual and emotional healing into your life in Jesus mighty name
Good day, and have a lovely week.